Emmy's party was a ton of fun! We had taco soup for lunch and then blueberry and oreo cake for dessert. She had so much fun running around with everyone, dancing and playing. She enjoyed opening her gifts with daddy too.
I just want to list some of the newest things you have started doing that I think are stinkin' adorable!! I love the way you put your hands over your face and say Peek Boo and then take them away really quickly and laugh out loud, I love the way you run around the house and scream really loud just to hear your voice, I love the way you laugh when we laugh just because we are laughing, I love the way you snuggle your stuffed animals and carry them around everywhere with you, I love that you want to give me hugs and pat my back 100 times a day and I love the way you reach up to hold my hand so that we can walk side by side. You are such a sweet, smart girl and I love you VERY much Peanut!!! This has been an awesome year with you.
How we miss you!! You are all so beautiful!! Love you Jennifer!!!!