since I have posted anything. I have been so busy experiencing the holidays this year that I didn't take time out to document the things that we did as a family and with family. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in just being a part of it all that I forget to step outside of it and take pictures or write memories down. :( That and we have had two extra house guests for a month now and that has definately thrown me off! I truly cannot wait to have my home and my family back. I love our guests, but they are not exactly the examples I would like around for my kids nor are they good for my stress level. House guest #1 - Pete's cousin Adam. He lives in Montana because he cannot live here without falling into life destructing drug addictions. He is actually doing well in Montana. He came back for Thanksgiving and asked if he could stay until Christmas because the last two year he has spent it alone and didn't want to do that this year. I completey understand that one!! So of course we said yes he could stay. Now I am ready for him to leave! He is messy, he is an alcoholic and an ignorant, loud and sloppy one at that. He showers maybe every 2 to 3 days (YUCK) and he has the mouth of a sailor. Definately different values and outlooks then my husband and I share! Then there is house guest #2 - my brother Drew. He has actually been on his best behavior and has been pretty good around the kids. He watches his mouth with the occasional slip, but he is putting in his best effort. He works long hours so he is gone most of the day. I don't really have any complaints about him being here other than his dog is making my dog miserable and every once in a while he has a day where he is down and out about his life situation right now and he mopes around all day while he drinks. I think my biggest issue with them both being here is the alcohol. I don't drink and Pete has the occasional drink. Now I am not against people have a drink or two whenever they see fit. However I don't like the excessive drinking or the insinutation of the need to drink. It drives me nuts!! Not to mention that they both partake in other extra carricular activities that kind of annoy me too. Pete's cousin is here for one more week and Drew is here until we can find him a house. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
I have been using them as examples though for my kids of who they do not want to turn out to be like. They are the perfect examples of what poor choices and lack of initiative will get you. I think the biggest tole has been taken on me...on my spirit. I have been so stressed trying to monitor what my kids are exposed to and trying to keep peace. I am so tired and I am OVER IT! That and of course it is playing it's part on taking a tole on my relationship with my husband. I feel so far away from him. We have had NO time together in months. That's a whole other rant, but this situation definately has not helped. Sigh...pray for me. I need it right now. I know this time will pass and things will be back to normal soon I just wish today was soon...
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